When I first chose to major in Computer and Communication Engineering, I didn’t much know what I was throwing myself into. I did it out of my passion for math, algorithmic and coding. Little did I know that it is much more than that. Throughout the years, I realized that this world full of new technologies and tools can be the key to transforming Lebanon’s public sector – that has long been regarded as bloated, lethargic, and rife with corruption – into a very advanced one where everything’s digitized. This would not only make the Lebanese citizens’ lives easier and give them hope in a country where there seems to be none left, but it would also encourage them to stay, instead of living abroad.
Today, I am grateful for that choice, and I cannot imagine myself elsewhere. I am beyond happy and proud to be part of Siren’s Youth4Governance internship program. Aside from the personal growth that it will bring me, it will allow me to use my passion for coding to help my country and make a positive contribution in it.
After all, as Nelson Mandela once said, education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.